Is Life a Law of Excluded Middle?
In Aristotelian Logic, there is a Law of Excluded Middle which says, "A Thing can either BE or NOT BE at a given point in time. There is no intermediate possibility". Does this apply to Life too? Many situations we face everyday where we have to make a choice or take a side. Is it agree-able to take neither? Not exactly to just sit on the fence (as that will make the case of an indifferent observer) but to rather choose a middle path.
Take a case of the plethora of rules we face in all aspects of life - rules that government imposes on us, norms that society has laid down, ways that religion bestows upon us. What does one (one in the literal sense - a singular lone person) do when you can neither accept the rules/norms nor have the courage to stand up and defy them? Avoiding the situation altogether is not possible all the time.
Sometimes, its stirs up a corrosive internal conflict - a battle - between an insurmountable cowardice and a defiant individuality. What does one do to find a solution in the middle of a clouded mind and ever increasing pressures of trying to be a 'non-conformist'?