A Tribute to My Institute - Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram


Of Flowering, in the Garden of Virtues

In his celebrated novel - The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran says we tend to speak when we are not at peace with our thoughts. I would agree with him, but only on the point of speaking, as I feel that when I am at ease with my thoughts, I encounter an overwhelming desire to write, an inexorable urge to convert the song of the heart into a dance of pen on paper. It was exactly such a serenity I found under the blessed arches of my institute, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, and as this peace settles onto the eaves of my heart, like fresh dew, it breaks the light of my thoughts into a rainbow of unforgettable experiences. I narrate here my journey, of blossoming in the beautiful garden of virtues.

A Lucky Break

It was a lucky break that propelled me, one Friday evening, out of the monotony of running a rat race; a luck that was inspired by the hands of my most revered Father. Kurian Kachappilly. He had replied to my e-mail inquiry and had invited me to visit the department. When I met him at the reception, he had the most peaceful demeanour, a meditative look that had an instant attraction to it. I had arrived at the opportune moment of admissions; a brief chat with Fr. Kurian was motivating enough to push me into a loop with our ever-approachable dean Father. Saju Chackalackal, who with his compulsive interlocution mixed with endearing humour created a magic on me and in no time, I was in the class of M.A. Philosophy as full-time student. The flood gates had opened for me...

A Memorable Example

            When I enrolled for my philosophy course, I was swimming against the tide. I had left behind a professional life that I had gotten used to. I had taken a course where no lucrative career options were visible. I had taken a step ignoring the advice of my own family and friends. All of this made me very nervous on the first day, and just when I was yearning for a shot of inspiration, came our most beloved Fr. Saju with the blessed candle in his hand. He had conceived this illustration to show us all the responsibility that philosophers have in society. With his lighted candle, he lit the raw candles that was in the hands of us students and then spoke the memorable words, “As teachers, we will provide you the spark, but each of you, being the candle, should take this spark and be a light for the rest of the world.” It was an unforgettable demonstration that had sealed the deal, for me at least, and I have never looked back since then.

From Standing-out to Outstanding

            It was right on the first day of my class that a ‘never-before’ experience dawned upon me. I knew I had enrolled in an ecclesiastical institute, but never expected to be the “only lay person” in a class of 66 students, where everyone else came from a priestly background. My heart had an initial rattle of insecurity, “Will I not have a friend’s circle to discuss and debate with?” I had always shied away from attention, but the way I stood out from the rest of the class here, firstly by coming from an engineering background, then having left behind a lucrative I. T. profession, then having a non-Catholic singularity, all this soaked me into a limelight that I had never asked for. Nevertheless, it had an advantage of its own. What was a momentary discomfort in the beginning, turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Had it not been for the slightly-excessive attention of my professors and mates, I would have probably withdrawn into a shell and relegated myself to an island of self-study. What was standing out as an embarrassment in the beginning, turned out to be an outstanding advantage later on.

Re-living the culture of the Garden City

            I am a product of Bangalore, and through my own eyes, I have seen this city evolve. From being a warm, silent town, decked in greenery and known for its hospitable culture, it has, today, burgeoned into a noisy metropolis, that fills the lungs with dark smoke and hungers for opportunities unmindful of the greed that is eroding its humanitarian foundations. Dharmaram sits right in the heart of this city, yet its environs speak a silent language that reminds me of the yesteryears Bangalore. Every single day, as I enter its campus, its gentle green winds touch my heart and soothe it; its history stands tall in memory of the great city that it is so proudly a part of. I never fail to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the ‘garden of virtues’ for saving, so lovingly, the last surviving figments of a once garden city.

Take a Bow, for you enter the temple of universal wisdom

            The staff and students of DVK have an all-embracing vision, and this was apparent right from my first day here. I was heartily invited to be a part of their family and I have savoured every moment of it. Right from the camaraderie of the classroom, to the kind-hearted support staff at the office and the library, they uphold virtues of universal love in their every interaction. Just like their syllabus, their approach towards life too is secularly universalistic. Every time I address a classmate as ‘brother’, a current of universal brother-hood flows through my veins. I would love to have more religious diversity in the classroom, which I guess is just a matter of time. The philosophy department flung open its gates to the outside world barely three years back and the word has just started spreading.
            Having spent time in the close quarters of religious folks has imparted a precious insight to my life. A degree in philosophy is mandatory requirement for their religious ordination, yet they respect the subject for its own standing. They take studies as conscientiously as their other religious duties. Their disciplined lifestyle, giving equal importance to work, play and pray along with studies, is something my careless lifestyle should learn from. Their practice of a morning prayer before the classes adds so much of sanity to the rest of my day. Even their small act of bowing before entering the class makes me realize that I am part of a sacred tradition, in a sanctified place.
Finally, their aspect of taking up a religious life, of putting the service to society ahead of their own personal ambitions, has touched my heart somewhere and inspired me to be a far less selfish person than I naturally was.

The Message of Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram

I can clearly contrast this way of life with my own experience studying at an engineering institute. The students there had taken the course with their own choice, yet they felt compelled to study by force. The respect towards subjects was only with a view of building a career in it, and not for the love of the subject itself. The students constantly felt the pressure of competition and earning marks was more important than understanding the subject. Attending classes was considered a big drag, and most of the studying happened in coaching classes outside. All this had corrupted the idea of education in me, and it is finally at the doorsteps of Dharmaram that I found the real meaning of how an institute can be a temple of knowledge. I wish this attitude could magically travel into the other corners of this country and infuse a new lease of life into the dying tradition of real education.
DVK’s motto stresses on Devotion to God as the supreme form of wisdom. In my days spent here so far, I have seen God in the form of wisdom and my devotion towards education has supremely multiplied. Though I spent only a brief period of two years in the institute, yet it occupies a large share of memorable experience of my academic life. I am really proud of having been a part of this wonderful institution and I wish many more deserving people get to experience a similar uplifting in the days to come.

On Conscience


I read this this Martin Luther King's quote on conscience once, and it has never left me since:

Cowardice asks you is it safe? Expedience asks is it useful? Vanity asks is it popular? Conscience asks is it right? There comes a time when one has to take a position that is neither safe nor useful nor popular, but one has to take it, just because, it is right.

Putting aside the emotive and dramatic content of this quote, when one reflects on the conscience aspect, one sees that is indeed caters to satisfying all aspects. Whatever conscience says is right, is actually a long term good.

Whatever is right is safe in the long term. Cowardice's question is only seeking safety in the immediate aspect. For instance, avoiding a bully just to save one's own skin is safe for that moment. But it only saved the person in question. The bully would be targeting someone else, and a time may come when avoiding the bully may not be possible at all. And at that point, there may not be anyone to help too. Hence, conscience, when it says it is right to face the bully, is actually ensuring perpetual safety.

Whatever is right is useful in the long term. Conscience never guides us to do something wrong. Hence, it's right stands the test of time. What is right now, is right always (assuming it is conscience indeed, and not being confused with 'fight or flight' instinct). Hence, what is right always, will be useful at a later point in time also.

Whatever is right will be popular, someday. Here the popular is not in the populist sense - not to be equated to the glamorous "fame." When one does what is right, its goodness will be noticed by others around, and if it stands the test of time, will be adopted, albeit slowly, by everyone. Hence, it will be popular at some time.

Thus, conscience (which according to Gandhi was the voice of God within us) can guide us towards holistic decision making. What conscience permits us to do, satisfies all our needs, both rational and emotional, but in the long term. Looking at short term is a curse that sooner Humanity realizes, the better. 

Yuvraj Singh in a Tight Yet Admirable Spot


This is a speculative post based on the newsBeleaguered employees and staff of Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) write to Yuvraj Singh to NOT play in the IPL, as his bidding was won by Vijay Mallya who also heads the KFA board, which has allegedly heavily wronged the employees through non-payment of long due salaries.

To me the KFA employees, in writing their letter to Yuvraj, have done no wrong as they attempt not to strangulate or coerce their antagonists by force, but rather to create more visibility for their agitation (by invoking a celebrity into their loop) as well as seek to non-violently turn Mallya's attention towards their cause. What I would like to speculate is how Yuvraj would react to this situation, as this, per me, creates an interesting ethical dilemma? 

A few moons ago, I wrote a post (link) that included an inspirational anecdote on cricketer Yuvraj Singh (Yuvi) being an inspirational figure in surviving his fight with cancer. It wasn't just the disease, he was much bigger than life (the effect being magnified due to India's cricket world cup victory). He was hope incarnated. A legend that filled colour in the sadness of every badgered Indian. 

Yuvi called, and the nation responded. 

In his message, calling for support for his You-we-can campaign, he would go on to make calls such as.. "I couldn't have fought it alone. All your love and support helped me".. "You and we together can." The campaign was a call to all, and not just cancer patients, to pool in resources and fight the devil.

Now, the nation (well! a segment of it) calls to Yuvi. It solicits his support for a cancer (corporate greed?) that is claiming their lives (dependant on the salaries). How does he respond to this ethical dilemma?

Well! why is it a dilemma in the first place? It is because Yuvi has to choose between his professional contract and his personal responsibility. Professionally he is a legitimate Indian cricketer and is morally bound to honour an IPL contract. Personally, he swore allegiance to fighting in support of charitable causes and hence, it becomes his moral responsibility to support the campaign of the beleaguered sections, which is charitable to the extent of restoring justice to them.

A moral binding on one side (by way of contract) and a moral responsibility on the other (by way of personal conviction) - both divergent in their demands. Both are equally legitimate and demand complete involvement. This is, what I call, a perfect ethical dilemma! Yuvi could have wished himself away from this tight spot, but being the hero that he is (both on and off the cricket field) it ideally suits him to play this dilemma out in the style that he whacks a bouncer out of the park.

The Aesthetic of Passion: Yuvi has a passion for cricket and when he is at his flamboyant best, he is art in motion. His passion creates an aura about him and has kept cricket lovers in awe of him for several years, and which rightly culminated in his crowing as the MVP of the world cup win. Such aesthetic passion is hard to come by, and when it does, it needs to be celebrated with élan. Yuvi's talent is God's gift and the world deserves to bask in it.

The balance, as I see it. (for what it's worth):
Yuvi should never quit cricket. It would leave a vacuum both in him and in the game. He should play for the sake of his passion, with all his passion. (A passion that even cancer couldn't kill). His passion inspires many of us. Nobody wants Yuvi off the field, as his place is in there. He should play, with power and confidence, but without accepting his player fee. The money is the problem, not the game. So keep the money out. Don't avoid the contract, because then you are not making a statement. Team morality is in being part of the team, and individual morality is in standing by your values. Don't give up on the team, but don't give up on the self either. Yuvi should be there and play it out. He should let it be known that he played for passion, and for passion alone, and he wouldn't take the money because he is fighting another battle off the field. One of supporting the segments that are suffering.

When Yuvi was suffering, people prayed for him. When Yuvi was playing, people played along with him. Now it's time to prove yourself worthy of that support and admiration. Play, so that you continue to inspire your followers, and reject the money, so that you highlight your support, not just to your own clean conscience, but also to your legions of followers who in turn may join the campaign in their own ways.

Face this dilemma Yuvi, don't escape from it. This is actually an admirable position to be in, because not just pride awaits you on the other side of it, but also a chance to face your conscience, which not many people get even in the thick and thin of their lives. Your fight with cancer showed you the face of death, but this fight with your values will show you the true face of life.

Many dangerous bouncers that you so gracefully belted out of the park; Accept this dilemma that's thrown at you, and hit the home run, homie. Be the warrior that you are!

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PS: Rejecting the money wouldn't be an unethical choice for Yuvi as his financial situation, given his iconic status, wouldn't be unreasonably deteriorated by not accepting the IPL payment.

PPS: It wouldn't be a professional solution for Yuvi to accept the payment from IPL and in turn pay it out to KFA employees as the KFA board is contractually responsible to the employees and they cannot be absolved of their duties.